New idea for the US health insurance crisis
New idea for the US health insurance crisis
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Lack of coverage of health insurance for more than 41 million Americans is one of the nation's biggest problems. Although the majority of older Americans have Medicare and nearly two-thirds of non-elderly Americans receive health care coverage through employer-sponsored programs, many employees and their families are insecure because their employer does not offer or provide care. can't discuss. costs. Medicaid և The State Health Insurance Scheme (SCHIP) or HAWK-I are here in Iowa to help fill the gaps in low-income children and some of their parents, but access to these programs is limited. As a result, millions of Americans without health insurance suffer bad health consequences due to delayed or premature health and the spread of national insurance. - (Information taken by
The number of people who need to go without health insurance is nothing more than a crisis in this country today. Over the past few decades, we have fallen into a vicious circle where health insurance has become too expensive to afford even the middle class. This, in turn, leads to insurance inability to cover medical expenses, which in many cases leads to financial ruin of the family and, in turn, leads to a steady loss of income with the medical community, which in turn drives up medical expenses. Finally, the cycling company finally returns to the insurance company, which will then have to pay a higher health insurance premium to cover the cost of health care.
Numerous proposals have been made by politicians on both sides of the island, ranging from the socialization of health issues similar to the Canadian system, the establishment of health savings accounts and the establishment of unfair litigation against the medical community. Many of these proposals have good points, but regardless of each good point, they also come with high heights. For example; A national social health plan will eliminate all the need for health insurance and the cost will be covered by taxes, which, theoretically speaking, does not seem to be a bad idea. However, this system reduces the shortage of new doctors who are ready to enter the field because of the inevitable contraction in revenue but demand would increase because of lack of personal responsibility. In short, if people do not have to worry about lowering or copying, which would naturally lead to an individual seeking medical treatment for minor things, they just hurt or hurt the doctor. So now we are waiting for lines for people with serious health problems, because everyone means appointments but at the same time we lose healing due to lack of incentives.
The current call for the Bush administration's action is pushing HSA (Health Saving Accounts), which reduces premiums over more expensive, much-reduced deferred health insurance plans with little interest. that you are involved in. every month with your premiums. Any money taken out of savings for quality medical expenses is taken out "tax-free" and unlike flexible spending, as many know in employer-based programs, you won't lose the money you put in. Do not use. Indeed, if you have never used any of these funds at the expense of savings, you can take them out or move them to another car, once adding a 1 1/2 penalty, which can be used for retirement. For some, this is a viable option, but for many, the premiums for these programs are still too high and the problem is that if you need a lot of first-year politics you won't have that much money. savings to help cover the gaps that leave the person out of pocket at the most cost.
Now we have come to the part where we talk about the center, which is one of the biggest health care problem, which is the inability of people with medical conditions to cover up. From the number of people connected to my office to look for health insurance, I have to say that about half of them have health benefits, which will either lead to the insurance company rejecting these individuals, or will lead to changes in the cyclist, which it largely eliminates this condition. insurance for claim. Conditions that I am constantly on are hypertension or high blood pressure. This situation sometimes results in the company rejecting the application altogether if other factors are involved, but mainly they cause a change of wheels. You might think that these trades are not that great, after all, the antihypertensive is just about the fact that they have to pay out of pocket, but what many people do not realize is that this rider will rule out this which can be considered this part of the condition, including heart attacks, stroke and arterial attacks, will all be sought after. Consider the fact that my father recently underwent a double operation that ended in a $ 150,000 final payment. All that money would have come from his pocket if he had a hypertensive basis in his health insurance policy, not to mention the added value of 2 months of work thrown in the mix. A modest annual income of $ 40,000 could ruin it financially.
So how can we fix this problem? Clearly, the proposals have so far been flawless, and even though one of these plans is supported by American people, they will never be approved by law simply because of political conflicts. One side wants to have private healthcare and the other wants to socialize, which, as we have already discussed, has both flaws and deficiencies. Do we appear to be doomed and there is no real idea or light under the tunnel? Maybe not, let me tell you about a customer I had in my office a few years ago.
A young woman wanted to compare health insurance plans to see if there were opportunities for her and her family. He had several children, was in Medicaid's Title 19 and was preparing for a state-paid college. He recently graduated from college and began working for the school system, but for some reason he was not eligible for health insurance benefits. Obviously, he couldn't afford to pay $ 5 or $ 600 a month for the plan, so he returned to the Help Center and explained his situation. They ended up working with us to get an acceptable health insurance plan and adding to it the rate that I didn't even know was possible.
This was a thought for me based on how many people would be able to receive coverage if they could improve the government's premium rate based on their income. For example; Take a young couple of 20s with one child, let's say their family income is $ 25,000, and the average $ 500 health insurance plan for them is $ 450. For example, the government has decided that three families with $ 25,000 annual income will be reimbursed 50% of their premiums and brings the real value of the family $ 225 a month. This is now a fairly favorable premium that the family should consider.
With this combination of private insurance and state support we achieve the best in both worlds. Of course, the next question is worth, how much will it cost the US taxpayer and how much will it raise taxes? I think it will not cost taxpayers any further and that is why I think first of all, we will reduce the number of insurers who cannot pay for the medical care they receive significantly. health costs. Secondly, the number of people who have been forced into bankruptcy and been transferred to Medicaid with the help of 19 due to medical disasters caused by catastrophic medical conditions without health insurance. It's important to note that if someone is on Medicaid, they are mostly receiving health care, which is mostly provided by the government 100%, so there is no other incentive to not test for minor or no treatment. Many conditions in the manuscript that could not be hunted before being tightened, since the person in question is not seeking treatment because they do not have insurance coverage, will now be arrested before it becomes a disastrous claim. After all, if the government spent some money to meet the demands of people in pre-existing circumstances, private insurance companies could get away with the exceptions and give up when existing health problems, this has been done, some states such as HIPIOWA Iowa Iowa residents who can't get coverage anywhere else.
You could sit there thinking that all this is just a desirable thought and that these ideas can never come to fruition, but all these ideas are already a reality. The problem is that only some states implement some programs and even health insurance people do not know that some low-income families can receive reimbursed health insurance premiums. If all these programs were standardized and implemented at nationally well-publicized levels, I believe it would make one tooth of hell in the insecure population of the country. I am not saying now that I know what the level of compensation should be for income, but I know that everything is more than nothing and I think it is the best average we can find. Democrats will be happy with the socially rewarding point of view and Republicans should be happy that the health service remains privatized, providing a better solution with biased support.
I have attached this idea to several Senate MPs and MPs, but I have always received standard answers of the same kind as they do to the healthcare sector, that they work hard to find a solution, knowing full well that no one is actually reading my letters. The only way to get these ideas to the public is to read them, share them with others through vocabulary, email or a link to your web pages. If such an idea comes to fruition, these ideas will get the opinion they deserve, and if there are enough people like you, and I demand a solution be found, then maybe politicians will have enough stress to do something. : The number of insured Americans will only increase, the cost of health care will only increase and the cost of health insurance will only increase if something is not done right now. Until then, the only thing I can do as a health insurer is to compare all the options available and present you with the disadvantages of all the bad ones, which in many cases is the choice of the greatest ills without consideration.
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